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How can I start S2E™ L.A.B.S.™ in my community?

It all starts with requesting a meeting from your local Students to Executives Labition™. Students to Executives’ L.A.B.S.™ encourage all students age 7 – 17 to embrace their individual skill-sets while increasing their academic, business and living skills. 




What does Students to Executives Do?

Students to Executives inspire young minds to follow their own vision without hesitation while learning and excelling in the “Sport of Business”; to create as well as recognize opportunities.  Our proprietary business skills syllabus encourages members to succeed through utilizing intrinsic talents. Our L.A.B.S.™ take place in local sponsor businesses corporate offices, Students to Executives learning centers, and through licensed partners. Through our community co-op platform, we empower new Labitions to deliver our innovative syllabus while providing ongoing support. We discover and promote (whether a student or a parent) from within, is our way.


How do the Students to Executives L.A.B.S.™ Function? 

We invite all students who desire to Soar Above Drugs, Thugs and Mediocrity to attend our L.A.B.S.™ (learn about business sessions) held after school hours and usually 2 or 3 times a week for 75 minutes. It is a 12 week experience and upon completion the certification will qualify individuals to participate in advance ambassador sessions.  Our BizCampz™ are summer sessions and general entail 4-5 days a week. BizCampz include many BONUS activities nt held during spring and fall sessions..


Is there a $$ investment for S2E™ Members participation? 

The cost is ZERO dollars for any eligible student to apply and become an S2E™ member to attend L.A.B.S.™. Participating students actually have the opportunity to win money for their performance in L.A.B.S.™. This is a peer and voting based platform, where all are eligible to win at many different performance levels. We strive to make L.A.B.S.™ available to interested parents of students to participate. Parents interested in the L.A.B.S.™ typically pay $30.00 per week to attend.  Students to Executives will help address all goals and desired outcomes. Parents wanting to become Labitions™ are considered per basis @ 50% reduced fee.  Summer held BizCampz™ are market priced according to participation.

The W-W-W-W-W & H of S2E


WHO: We are a business society with the ultimate goal of a Radical Empowerment Revolution™


WHAT: We provide a 12 week – 11 module system of business (MPSedge™) with accompanying life skills that empower young minds to soar above mediocrity both in business and Life;

    …to ultimately live a Healthy, Harmonious and Prosperous life.

Our members upon completion, with certification and a mentor are then eligible to represent S2E™ and get paid more to play in the “Sport of Business” operating and managing various society and/or partner positions. 


WHERE: We conduct L.A.B.S.™ both in existing youth and community center organizations along with utilizing the board and conference rooms located within our Local and National corporate sponsor hdqts.


WHEN: Our L.A.B.S.™ occur conveniently during after school hours and weekends, to always compliment organizations and sponsor facility calendars. Regular L.A.B.S.™ duration is a standard 75 min session. Our first beta L.A.B.S.™ were held in Coral Springs in the summer and fall of 2013. 


WHY: To provide the option… We are the "Intelligent Alternative to Drugs, Thugs and Mediocrity"!


HOW: We build alliances with Youth centric organizations by providing an additional platform to augment their empowerment goals. Our specialty is the “Sport of Business”™. We offer onsite L.A.B.S.™ training and certification as an MPSedge™ player.  All desiring youth are eligible to apply with no fee required.




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