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Fostering Education - Where Students Earn to Learn!


Cards4College™ is the evolution of what many students have done already at school, church or even girl scouts. The activity is commonly known as fund raising. We take a similar approach except we implement a real business twist.


First we incorporate a yearly Rebates-Discount Membership Card as the cash generator instead of candy, cookies, tickets, etc. Here’s the twist, rather than give ALL the money to the school, club or organization, instead we PAY the students first, plus we give a generous portion of the profits to local Pet shelters and Rescues selected by our members, not us.


It is simple. Students to Executives™ runs the Cards4College™ project. The national access partnerships and directory site creates a solid framework for providing a proven “Sport of Business” training and success platform. The ROCKtheCARD site is the promotion platform that allows us to offer the service to local businesses who sponsor local students. The RTC members card™ provides local sponsor rebates-and national merchant discounts for our members.


Although the parent corporation that oversees all company activities has been around since 2005 and involved in many industries, the Cards4College™ project is one of the most recent additions within our diverse society.


Cards4College™ offers full and part time ambassador positions during school and of course throughout the summer. Promoting Cards4College™ is a fun way to play in the “Sport of Business” and build a great professional resume too.

Advancing Education & Humanity!

Playing the Sport of Business!

This is how the rubber meets the road and the “Sport of Business” is played properly! If you think about… in any sport the winner in most cases is determined by no more than a slight edge. It may be as minute as 3 one thousands of a second or a mere 1 point. Just an edge!; hence the program name. 


It has a dual meaning. First of course is “Mission, Purpose, Story”.  This is followed with the day by day, play by play implementation of “Marketing, Promotions and Sales”. M.P.S. and these ideas, collectively, create the proprietary system for complete empowerment and success in any industry.




Where STUDENTS and EXECUTIVES Help at Risk Pets!

If you have ever wanted to support an organization where people have fun, enjoy life, help others and where students get paid and pets get saved, you have arrived!


Our overall mission is to change the way funding for animal shelters, rescues, and animal societies have been facilitated, for the most part, up until now. Join us to learn and BE a part of the difference that pets and these caring entities deserve! We look forward to hearing from you and your ongoing support. Remember your membership provides a way for more pets to get a future. Our members get ongoing rebates-discounts all over America plus the knowing that you are making a difference.

Our motto: "Don’t donate, invest with a return for your support!"



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