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"It is a Business doing Pleasure with You"



We ignite young minds and empower them to discover, create and  live their own individual story without hesitation, while earning to learn and play in the "Sport of Business"™ 


"We Pay Students to Learn, Play and Excel in the "Sport of Business"™


We provide an invigorating learning environment and business syllabus that empowers an individual to discover passion, purpose and prosperity. We instill esteem and confidence in the minds and hearts of youth through training and practical application of business. We desire to inspire before the students lack of inner belief or trust promotes decisions of desperation and confusion that may adversely dictate their entire life. We provide a funding vehicle that pays students to learn and play in the “Sport of Business”™. 


We inspire young minds to discover the place inside themselves where they must be... who they can be.




We are The Intelligent Preventive to Drugs, Thugs and Mediocrity™. We prevent disharmony, despair and delusion in young lives by instilling independence in place of dependence. 


Unfortunately the content and methodology of curriculum that permeates society today is wildly inadequate to naturally create outstanding business leaders for the future. Young minds are standing in line at the ready waiting to be told what to do next and not able to trust of their own contemplation. Standard education is lacking key ingredients, for the most part, it is outdated and insufficient in today's rapid paced reality.       


Our goal is to grow from within our unique business society, pacesetters for the future!




We are a society of successful business and professional people who desire to "Play it Forward"... to share our W.E.R.K.™ (wisdom, experience, resources & knowledge) to change and save the lives of our youth.


We accomplish and further our story thru personal mentoring and internships that instill life and success principals, the byproduct of playing the "Sport of Business"™ the S2E™ way…


Life is about choices. The choices we do or do not make. The types of choices. The length the choice will guide our journey. The choice to make another choice. Sticking with our choices. Plus, do we know why do we make such a choice?

Sadly our education system is lacking the inspiration that promotes self actualized choices. The choices most young people in the world make are authority driven not inspired. This is not entirely inappropriate but in most cases creates the inability for young people to ever trust their own choices. It must be pre-approved to be appropriate. This principle manifests a society of followers waiting to be told what to do next. It further promotes a huge whole within ones soul resulting in overall disharmony, disenchantment and confusion with the gift we know as life.


It is the vision of the founder that every student who desires shall receive full permission, to follow his or her own spirit. As a society, we will provide an environment that provides skills and techniques that permit individuals to go within and perform life without fear or reappraisal for their self discovered and inspired healthy choices.


Our planet spends untold amounts of time, money and energy trying to fix individuals after choices born of fear or by accepting others opinion of how we should think, work and live, rather than inspiring people to operate their own mind and soul at a young age…  


Remember always: "It is a Business doing Pleasure with You"™


"If you can walk on water, you’re no more than a fly

If you can soar through the air, you’re no more than an eagle

When you can follow your own spirit... you have become! unknown


S2E™ : Intelligent Alternative to Drugs, Thugs and Mediocrity



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