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We ignite children on a path to realizing, embracing and living their greatest individual potential while on the journey of life.

Partners have a known passion coupled with measurable efforts. Our special ambassadors desire to effortlessly “Play it Forward”™.

Our sport is the opportunity for children from all walks of life to “embrace different”™ and follow their own visions. Our L.A.B.S.™ (Life And Business Sessions) are the playing field where children learn after school how to play and soar above in any desired industry. This inherent skillset becomes a natural lifestyle when an individual obtains the M.P.S.edge™. This is just one of the keys we offer to empower all who desire to play & grow with the S2E™ team.

We are a young at heart 501(c) 3 non-profit Business Society.

We ignite young minds and give them permission to discover, create and live their own story without hesitation while learning and playing the "Sport of Business"™.


Students Earn to Learn & Play the "Sport of Business"™


With us, students earn to learn our 12 week syllabus and obtain the M.P.S.edge™. This accomplishment inspires students to continue on a success path to becoming highly adept Business Pilots. Any student may join the S2E™ team.


Our certified S2E™ pilots stand out in a crowd, choose to soar above, commit to make a difference and to also help others. This S2E™ team empowerment coupled with the M.P.S.edge™ propels individuals of all walks of life to naturally grow, without hesitation, to become bonafide "Designers of Legacies"™.


Our society is empowered and led by leaders, who in their chosen industries, are already successful business and professional people. We collaborate with local businesses who sponsor local students to gain valuable practical exposure to the real world.


Our future S2E™ pilots will naturally desire to "Play it Forward" transform the lives of fellow students.


We accomplish more and share our story thru personal E.M.I.™; experience, mentoring and internships, that instill life and success principals; the natural byproduct of playing the "Sport of Business"™ the S2E™ way…


Whether a student desires to be a Chef, a Doctor or a Scientist, they will all naturally soar above with the M.P.S.edge™ as their advantage.


We share W.E.R.K.™ (Wisdom, Experience, Resources & Knowledge) and business owners get a ROI when they share theirs... 


Together we can give students the MPSedge™ and truly "Embrace Different"™... Let's together do more than acknowledge the need for it!

S2E = Transforming Lives

Contact us today: Discover how you can help team S2E™

Transform the lives of Children in your city now! 


...with the "SPORT of BUSINESS"


Steve Jobs & Bill Gates

Possibly two of the greatest examples of players

in the"Sport of Business" the world will ever know!

We empower students with the same

business principles they embraced

and mastered within our MPSedge™ syllabus


View the Challenge
Embrace the Solution
Replicate Evidence

S2E™ : Intelligent Preventive to Drugs, Thugs and Mediocrity

We believe everything we do provides the key for 7-17 year old persons to obtain a stellar edge towards business success and while engaged in this process one is simultaneously unlocking a highly applicable understanding of their own personal human experience.


We partner with persons and/or companies that are living examples of their own business truths coupled with a myriad of multifaceted life successes.


We have defined the rules and designed the playing field parameters for the “Sport Of Business”to empower current and future generations within our L.A.B.S.™ (Life And Business Sessions)

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